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出版著作//Books Published by Lin Shou 发表拓扑学论文//Topological Papers Published by Lin Shou 研究生毕业论文
序号 作者. 论文名(pdf文件下载) 论文出处 文摘, 引用

Lin Fucai, Liu Chuan, Lin Shou. The topological properties of q-spaces in free topological groups//林福财, 刘川, 林寿. 自由拓扑群的q空间拓扑性质

Topology Appl., 2017, 216: 38–47.


paratopological groups//蔡长勇, 林寿. 自由仿拓扑群的MP等价

Topology Appl., 2017, 215: 35–44.


林寿, 葛英. csf可数空间的注记//Lin Shou, Ge Ying. A note on csf-countable spaces

高校应用数学学报//Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ., 2017, 32(1): 79-86


林寿. 《映射与空间》50年//Lin Shou. Fifty years of Mappings and Spacess

四川师范大学学报(自然科学版)//J. Sichuan Normal University(Natural Science), 2017, 40(1): 133-142


Lin Shou, Liu Li. G-methods, G-sequential spaces and G-continuity in topological spaces//林寿, 刘丽. 拓扑空间中的G方法, G序列空间和G连续性

Topology Appl., 2016, 212: 29–48.


Xie Li-Hong, Lin Shou, Li Piyu. On the countable tightness and the k-property of free topological groups over generalized metrizable spaces//谢利红, 林寿, 李丕余. 广义度量空间上自由拓扑群的可数tightness和k空间性质

Topology Appl., 2016, 209: 198–206.


Lin Shou, Cai Zhangyong. Closed mappings, boundary-compact mappings and sequence-covering mappings//林寿, 蔡长勇. 闭映射, 边缘紧映射和序列覆盖映射

Houston J. Math., 2016, 42(3): 1059-1078.


Ge Xun, Lin Shou. Balls in generalizations of metric spaces//葛洵, 林寿. 球在度量空间的推广

J. of Inequalities and Applications, 2016, 16: p.7.


刘丽, 唐忠宝, 林寿. 关于统计序列紧空间//Liu Li, Tang Zhong-bao, Lin Shou. On statistically sequentially compact spaces

数学的实践与认识//Math. Practice Theory, 2016, 46(12): 235-240.


Cai Zhangyong, Lin Shou, Liu Chuan. S_2 and the Frechet property of free topological groups//蔡长勇, 林寿, 刘川. 自由拓扑群的S_2和Frechet性质

Topology Appl., 2016, 204: 103–111.


Cai Zhangyong, Lin Shou. A few generalized metric properties on free paratopological groups//蔡长勇, 林寿. 自由仿拓扑群上的一些广义度量性质

Topology Appl., 2016, 204: 90–102.p>



Ge Xun, Lin Shou. A note on partial b-metric spaces//葛洵, 林寿. 偏b度量空间的注记

Mediterr. J. Math., 2016, 13(3): 1273-1276.



Lin Shou, Lin Fucai. A normal and Moore paratopological group//林寿, 林福财. 一个正规的Moore仿拓扑群

Adv. Math. (China)//数学进展, 2016, 45(1): 153-158.

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