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出版著作//Books Published by Lin Shou 发表拓扑学论文//Topological Papers Published by Lin Shou
序号 作者. 论文名(pdf文件下载) 论文出处 文摘, 引用
139 Yan Pengfei, Lin Shou. CWC mappings and metrization theorems// 燕鹏飞 , 林寿 . CWC 映射和度量化定理 Adv. Math. (China)// 数学进展 , 2007, 36(2): 153-158 MR 2008j:54023

Li Kedian, Lin Shou. Notes on symmetric g-functions// 李克典 , 林寿 . 对称 g 函数的注记

Acta Math. Hungar., 2007, 116(1-2): 73-77

MR 2008j:54020 Zbl 1135.54312

137 Lin Shou. Some problems on generalized metrizable spaces// 林寿 . 广义度量空间的若干问题

E. Pearl ed. Open Problems in Topology II. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B V, 2007, 731-736

MR 2008j:54001 Zbl 1158.54300


Liu Chuan, Lin Shou. On countable-to-one maps// 刘川 , 林寿 . 关于可数到一映射

Topology Appl., 2007, 154(2): 449-454

MR 2007i:54034 Zbl 1129.54010

135 林寿 , 燕鹏飞 . 局部可分度量空间闭 s 映象的注记 //Lin Shou, Yan Pengfei, A note on closed s-images of locally separable metric spaces 数学物理学报 // Acta Math. Sci. Ser. A Chin. Ed., 2007, 27(1): 171-175

MR 2301369 Zbl1174.54369

134 Yan Pengfei(燕鹏飞), Lin Shou(林寿). cs-regular networks and metrization theorems Topology Proc., 2006, 30(2)

MR 2008i:54027  Zbl1155.54018

133 Lin Shou(林寿). A mapping theorem on sn-metrizable spaces Adv. Math. (China)(数学进展), 2006, 35(5): 615-620 MR2410422
132 Lin Shou(林寿), Zhu Jincai(朱金才), Ge Ying(葛英), Gu Jiansheng(谷建胜). Almost-open maps, sequence-covering maps and sn-networks Indian J. Pure Appl. Math, 2006, 37(2): 111-119

MR2261111  Zbl 1113.54015

131 林寿. 关于开紧映射与Arhangel’skii的问题 数学年刊, 2006, 27A(5): 719-722 MR2266076
130 Lin Shou(林寿). A note on D-spaces Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae., 2006, 47(2): 313-316

MR2007b:54049 Zbl 1150.54340

129 Li Jinjin(李进金), Lin Shou(林寿). k-systems, k-networks and k-covers Czechoslovak Math. J., 2006, 56(1): 239-245 MR2006i:54029
128 Lin Shou(林寿). Tightness of function spaces Applied Gen. Topology, 2006, 7(1): 103-107

MR2008k:54021 Zbl 1126.54009

127 林寿, 刘川. Sω′X的k空间性质及相关结果 数学学报, 2006, 49(1): 29-38

MR2007d:54022 Zbl 1141.54009

126 Huang Qin(黄琴), Lin Shou(林寿). Notes on sequentially connected spaces Acta Math. Hungar., 2006, 110 (1-2): 159-164

Zbl 1100.54015 MR2198420

125 李克典, 林寿. k半层空间的伪开紧映象 数学学报, 2005, 48(6): 1195-1198

MR2205062 Zbl 1124.54303

124 Lin Shou(林寿). Covering properties of k-semistratifiable spaces Topology Proc., 2005, 29(1): 199-206 MR2006m:54041, Zbl1086.54017
123 Lin Shou(林寿). A note on closed images of locally compact metric spaces Acta Math. Hungar., 2005,109(1-2): 157-162 MR2006d:54021, Zbl 1103.54008
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