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出版著作//Books Published by Lin Shou 发表拓扑学论文//Topological Papers Published by Lin Shou  
序号 作者. 论文名(pdf文件下载) 论文出处 文摘, 引用
122 林寿. 1序列覆盖映射的注记 数学进展, 2005, 34(4): 473-476 MR2182398
121 林寿. 连通度量空间的映象 数学年刊, 2005,26A(3): 345-350 MR2006b:54015, Zbl1081.54016, РЖМ200512A480
120 Liu Chuan(刘川), Lin Shou(林寿). On the countable tightness of product spaces Acta Math. Sin.(Engl. Ser.), 2005, 20(4): 929-936 MR2006b:54017, Zbl1080.54005
119 Lin Shou(林寿). A note on sequence-covering mappings Acta Math. Hungar., 2005, 107(3): 187-191 MR2005m:54053, Zbl1081.54025, РЖМ200606A512
118 葛英, 林寿. 一致覆盖和度量空间的紧映象 数学学报, 2004, 47(6): 1149-1154 MR2005i:54040 Zbl 1117.54040
117 Li Zhaowen(李招文), Lin Shou(林寿), Yan Pengfei(燕鹏飞). A note on g-developable spaces Far East J. Math. Sci., 2004, 15(2): 181-191 MR2005k:54046, Zbl1080.54021
116 Li Zhaowen(李招文), Lin Shou(林寿). On the weak-open images of metric spaces Czechoslovak Math. J., 2004, 54(2): 393-400 MR2005f:54056, Zbl1080.54509, РЖМ200502A459
115 Lin Shou(林寿), Yan Li(严力). A note on spaces with a σ-compact-finite weak base Tsukuba J. Math. 2004, 28(1): 85-91

MR2082222 Zbl1062.54027, РЖМ200607A471

114 燕鹏飞, 林寿, 江守礼. 序列覆盖的闭映射保持可度量性 数学学报, 2004, 47(1): 87-90

MR2050500 Zbl 1158.54313 Zbl

113 彭良雪, 林寿. 单调空间与度量化定理 数学学报, 2003, 46(6): 1125-1132

MR2035746 Zbl1045.54010

112 Li Jinjin(李进金), Lin Shou(林寿). kω -spaces and Y. Tanaka's question Acta Math. Hungar., 2003, 100(4): 321-323 MR2004f:54025, Zbl1027.54037, РЖМ200501A410
111 Lin Shou(林寿), Yan Pengfei(燕鹏飞). Notes on cfp-covers Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae., 2003, 44(2): 295-306 MR2004i:54039, Zbl1100.54021, РЖМ200402A536
110 林寿. 弱基与覆盖性质 数学进展, 2003, 32(1): 118-120 MR2004d:54020
109 林寿. 90年代的广义度量空间理论 数学进展, 2002, 31(6): 503-509 MR1959547
108 Lin Shou(林寿). Regular covers and metrization Bull Polish Acad. Sci. Math., 2002, 50(4): 427-432 MR2003j:54025, Zbl1042.54021
107 严力, 林寿. ωM空间的分解定理 福建师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2002, 18(1): 5-7 MR2004b:54015
106 林寿, 周友成, 燕鹏飞. 关于序列覆盖π映射 数学学报, 2002, 45(6): 1157-1164 MR2004a:54036, Zbl1024.54020
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